

Augustana University is committed to helping South Dakota school districts meet their growing need for qualified special education teachers. Augustana now offers currently certified teachers or those pursuing General Education 选择认证 who have been recommended by the hiring school district and approved by the SD DOE the opportunity to earn a K-12 Alternative Special Education certification through online graduate courses. 除了, teachers pursuing alternative certification in Special Education will receive a 50% discount on the regular per credit hour price.

准备好开始了? 填妥此表格 and we will connect with you to confirm a plan for becoming a certified special education teacher.

继续提升你的职业生涯: 课程 taken through the Augustana 选择认证 program are graduate level and can be applied toward the completion of Augustana’s 特殊教育硕士. The full Master’s degree can be completed with an additional 15 credit hours beyond the alternative certification requirements.

欲了解更多12bet游戏平台M.Ed in SPED program, contact Chris Assmus at 605-274-4629 or 克里斯.assmus@奥吉.edu